
Blarg. Life gets in the way of everything, hopefully I'll have more time for projects after clearing some space up in my schedule.

Either way solve this bracelet that I got bored and made, It even has a magnetic end!
If you figure out what this bracelet is of I'll give it to you (Or mail it to you).

Heres the bracelet.

Hint: There is a Rosetta stone of sorts in this.

Leave a comment when you figure out what this bracelet is of.
You have a week to figure this out.


  1. Greetings from /prog/

    The Rosetta stone is the first 5 beads, which establish a number system of base 5.

    Pink = 0
    Yellow = 1
    Green = 2
    Red = 3
    Blue = 4

    The subsequent beads portray the Fibonacci sequence in this number system, separating values with the silver beads.

    1 = 1
    1 = 1
    2 = 2
    3 = 3
    1*5^1+0 = 5
    1*5^1+3 = 8
    2*5^1+3 = 13
    4*5^1+1 = 21
    1*5^2+1*5^1+4 = 34
    2*5^2+1*5^1+0 = 55
    3*5^2+2*5^1+4 = 89
    1*5^3+0*5^2+3*5^1+4 = 144
    1*5^3+4*5^2+1*5^1+3 = 233
    3*5^3+0*5^2+0*5^1+2 = 377

  2. Congrats, you solved it. Good work.
    I just sent you an email :3
